Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fort Myers Beach - olr drilling

I wanted to share this artcile from the new press. It reads about oil drilling at Fort Myers beach. I think oil drilling will kill many animals like manetees and it will also kill theire habitats. Lets stay togther and proctect our beaches.

Estero Bay at Matanzas field trip

Matanzas field trip

Owned and operated by the Estero Island Historical Society, the Historic Vottage serves as host to the entrance of the Matanzas Pass Wilderness Preserve. It contains Calusa indian artifacts, a collections of Estero island sea shells, and other relics that depict the history f pioneer life on Estero island. The fourth home built on fort Myers beach, the cottage was once located on the gulf of Mexico shoreline. There, it served ts family for three generations before being converted to the sand castle kindertgarden, the island's first preschool.