Wednesday, March 31, 2010


At ECO we saw animals like rabbits. I love rabbits, I think they are very cute and friendly animals. Rabbits live in many areas around the world, they live in groups, and the most common and known specie, the Europena rabbits, live in underground, the rabbit holes.

An interesting fact: more than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America.

Here is a cute picture of a huge rabbit that we saw at ECO. :)


At Eco, the plant that caught my attention the most was the Moringa plant. It interested me because of it's incredible quantity of nutrients, minerals, and because it is Eco's most popular plant.

The most widely known species is the Moringa oleifera, which is a multi purpose tree. It is native to the foothills of the Himalays, India.

Moringa is a very popular plant, currently it is used to combat poverty and malnutrition. It grows quickly in many types of environments, and much of the plant is edible.

The leaves are rich in proteins, vitamins A, B, and C, and it is very rich in minerals.

ECO-Composting worms

Some of the worms that are used for composting are, Red Wriggler, Tiger Worm and Indian Blue, but the most common worm used in the composting industry is the Red worm.

The worm compost is made of recycled kitchen food scraps and soft garden waste into a rich form of worm compost through the digestive system of worms. It sounds gross, in fact, but worm compost is actually packed with full of micro-organisms and nutrients, ready to apply direct to your vegetable garden.

mmmm delicious!!! hehe

Neem leaves

Traditionally Indian Farmers have been planting Neem Trees at borders of the farms,for few simple reasons.
1. Neem tree provides healthy clean air( it absorbs sulphur dioxide fumes)

2. Volatile components of neem tree leaves contains substances which are antibacterial in nature.

3. Neem tree prevents soil erosion.

4. Neem tree leaves and fruits are used by the farmers for his Farming, Dairy & Medicinal Purposes.

Neem leaves are plucked and then boiled in water to prepare a simple water extract. This extract is sprayed on the entire foliage of the plant/herb/tree which is useful to the Farmer.This is Anti fungal.
The same water extract is used for bathing purposes to wards of skin diseasesas.

More ecosystems affected

The boreal forests are another type of ecosystems that are being affected due to the increase in temperatures. The boreal forests consists of one third of the earths forests, covering 1,5 billion hectares. The main concern at the boreal forests are forest fires, an increase in temparature leads to more forest fires. Records show that a single fire in 1996 burned 37,00 acres of forest, destroying 200 homes.

Climate change

The increase in temperature is causing many changes to the artic tundras ecosystems.
There are many species that live in the artic tundra, animals like: polar bears, gray wolves, and artic fox. Because of the increase in tempartures many animals from the south, like the red fox, are migrating into the artic tundras. Therefore, the artic fox and the red fox are competing for food and territory. For that reason, the impact that this will have in the artic fox is unknown.
The main concern is that the artic tundra is actually contributing to global warming in the Earth. The permafrost at the artic tundra is melting, for that reason, the dead plants are decomposing and realeasing CO2 into the atmoshpere.